Lent Days 2021

Here is a Mass and Holy week update. There is a difference in the Mass schedule for Palm Sunday and Easter this year. (This may not be updated in other flyers
and documents.)

We have omitted the 8:30 AM Mass on Palm Sunday or Easter. For Palm Sunday and Easter, we will only have one English Mass at 10:00 AM in the Olive Grove to accommodate everyone.
See Mission San Juan Bautista Page, include Page in the name, see Events for the mass listings and details.

This is the last Saturday 3/27/21, before Easter for confessions at 4PM with Fr. Paul in the Guadalupe Chapel. This is the Mass schedule for Holy Week:

  • 3/31/21 Daily Mass, 8AM
  • 4/1/21 HOLY THURSDAY, Last Supper – 6PM, bilingual Mass
  • 4/2/21 GOOD FRIDAY, Passion of the Lord- 12 noon, English; 6 PM, Spanish
  • 4/3/21 HOLY SATURDAY- 7 PM- Easter Vigil Mass, bilingual, (No Confessions)
  • 4/4/21 EASTER SUNDAY – All Masses outdoors: 10AM- English,  12 Noon- Spanish  1:30 PM- Spanish

If you have any questions, please contact the parish office 831-623-2127.

 View Lent Days Flyer [English] [Spanish]